Heartbleed still affecting over 70% of top organisations

Despite first being disclosed in April of 2014, it seems that many of the top global organisations are still exposed to the Heartbleed vulnerability. In reports from threat intelligence agencies and the University of Maryland, estimates of susceptibility among the top 2000 global organisations ranges…

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Lessons to Learn from the AllCrypt Hack

On March 18, 2015, AllCrypt, a small crypto currency exchange posted what may very well be one of their last posts on their blog. The Bitcoin exchange had been hacked, resulting in stolen crypto currency. The AllCrypt Team described the attack in detail in their…

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Cyber Security and the Data Protection Act

Records management company Iron Mountain have just published a report on public sector agencies, revealing that around 40% have suffered a data breach. It also noted that information security teams are under-resourced, lacking in the required skills or are performing roles above their grade. Considering…

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Political hacking – the latest cyber threat

Regardless if you believe North Korea were the culprits or not, everyone will acknowledge that since the Sony hack, we’ve all started to take cyber terrorism a little more seriously. You mean they don’t just want financial details and government intelligence? No, that’s right, terrorists…

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