Critical CSRF Vulnerability on Facebook

A security researcher Youssef Sammouda (Samm0uda) recently discovered a critical CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) security vulnerability on Facebook. This security issue could have been used to take over any Facebook user account. Samm0uda reported the bug on January 26 and Facebook fixed it just 5…

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Acunetix Web Application Vulnerability Report 2019

Acunetix compiles an annual web application vulnerability report. The purpose of this report is to provide security experts and interested parties with an analysis of data on vulnerabilities gathered over the previous year. The 2019 report contains the results and analysis of vulnerabilities, detected from…

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A fresh look on reverse proxy related attacks

In recent years, several researches have been published about attacks deliberately or directly related to reverse proxies. While implementing various reverse-proxy checks on the scanner, I started analyzing implementations of reverse proxies. Initially, I wanted to analyze how both reverse proxies and web servers parse…

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