Out-of-band XML External Entity (OOB-XXE)

As with many types of attacks, you can divide XML External Entity attacks (XXE attacks) into two types: in-band and out-of-band. In-band XXE attacks are more common and let the attacker receive an immediate response to the XXE payload. In the case of out-of-band XXE…

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Nicholas Sciberras on Hack Naked News

Acunetix CTO, Nicholas Sciberras, joins Paul at Hack Naked News to discuss a recent security incident which saw white hat hackers flooding VKontakte (VK) with spam on Valentine’s Day. This was part of a revenge prank against the Russian social network after the company failed…

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What is Local File Inclusion (LFI)?

An attacker can use Local File Inclusion (LFI) to trick the web application into exposing or running files on the web server. An LFI attack may lead to information disclosure, remote code execution, or even Cross-site Scripting (XSS). Typically, LFI occurs when an application uses…

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Remote Code Execution Possible in Drupal

On February 19, Drupal released a security advisory PSA-2019-02-19 (further amended by PSA-2019-02-22). The advisory contains information about a critical security flaw in Drupal 8.5 and 8.6 core. This flaw, classified as CVE-2019-6340, can be used for remote code execution (code injection). An exploit for…

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