To develop an application, you usually perform multiple iterations of the following activities: Commit the source code to implement a new or changed feature or a bug fix Build the solution Deploy a test environment containing the solution Run QA tests against the test environment…
Author Archives Kevin Attard Compagno
Deploying AcuSensor for PHP – AWS Elastic Beanstalk
AWS Elastic Beanstalk allows you to deploy a web application that can scale to match end-user demand. This simple example will demonstrate how you can deploy AcuSensor together with your web application into AWS Elastic Beanstalk. LEARN MORE: How to Prevent SQL Injection in PHP…
Integrating Acunetix with GitHub for CI/CD
You can integrate your Acunetix Premium account with GitHub for issue management and for CI/CD purposes. This article shows how to configure your GitHub account and how to integrate with it in Acunetix Premium for CI/CD. If you want to know how to integrate with…
Integrating Acunetix with GitLab for CI/CD
You can integrate your Acunetix Premium account with GitLab for issue management and for CI/CD purposes. This article shows how to configure your GitLab account and how to integrate with it in Acunetix Premium for CI/CD. If you want to know how to integrate with…
Integrating Acunetix with Azure DevOps services for CI/CD
You can integrate your Acunetix Premium account with Azure DevOps Services for issue management and for CI/CD purposes. This article shows how to configure your Azure DevOps account and how to integrate with it in Acunetix Premium for CI/CD. If you want to know how…
Installing Acunetix on Docker
In our latest release, we made sure that you can easily create a Docker container containing Acunetix. You can use such a Docker container, for example, when running multiple engines from multiple locations or when using Acunetix® in the CI/CD environment. Basic considerations When installing…
How to use Acunetix software composition analysis
Software composition analysis (SCA) is an important part of application security testing. Today’s web applications deliver rich functionality through the use of multiple open-source components. Like all software, open-source components are subject to vulnerabilities, and each component will have a development path typically tracked with…
Integrating Acunetix with CircleCI
If you want to include Acunetix in your DevSecOps, you need to integrate it with a CI/CD system. Acunetix has an out-of-the box integration for the most popular CI/CD system – Jenkins. However, you can use the Acunetix REST API to integrate the scanner with…
WAF integration: Acunetix and FortiWeb
The Acunetix API gives you the opportunity to automate tasks to increase efficiency — especially when you can accelerate integration functionality with other components of your workflow. In this example, we will build on a previous article, where we’ve shown you how to use the…