Acunetix represented at OWASP Germany

On the 9th of December the OWASP Germany conference was held in Hamburg, Germany. Acunetix partners Voquz were in attendance to discuss with visitors how Acunetix can help to protect against the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities and others. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is…

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Top tips for a secure web server

Powering over 90% of the world wide web, Apache, IIS and nginx are considered the 3 most important web servers. They are considered to be easy to get up and running, have an active development team behind them and react quickly to security issues. Most…

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Are you prepared for PCI v3.0?

At the end of December 2014 the new set of Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) will come largely into force, with just a few small elements having the later deadline of July 2015 to allow businesses time to adapt. If your company…

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