How Much Web Security is Enough?

A good web application security environment is one that balances security with convenience. Nothing more and nothing less; just the security that’s needed to keep things reasonably in check. But just how much is enough?  All too often I see websites and applications with too…

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Recently Backdoored WordPress Plugins

In the previous article, The Rise of the Backdoored WordPress Plugins, I discussed the ever-growing threat to WordPress security in the form of compromised plugins. As promised, here are the changes made by attackers to the popular plugins, WPtouch,  W3 Total Cache and AddThis. WPtouch…

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90% of US Companies Hacked!

Alarming results have been announced following a recent survey conducted by the Ponemon Research Institute and Juniper Networks. In their survey, 583 American companies were interviewed on security related questions. The result seems to correlate with what we have been seeing in the media during…

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