Exporting the informal PCI DSS Compliance Report

Exporting the informal PCI DSS Compliance Report

This document provides instructions for generating the informal PCI DSS Compliance Report in Acunetix 360. The report is exported as an HTML or PDF file.  

In order to be able to generate an official PCI DSS Report in Acunetix 360, you must first run a PCI DSS scan. A normal scan in Acunetix 360 presents only an unofficial PCI DSS Report. For instructions on how to run a PCI DSS scan, refer to Running informal PCI DSS Scan and Running the official PCI DSS Scans and PCI DSS Group Scans.

How to export the informal PCI DSS Compliance Report in Acunetix 360

  1. In Acunetix 360, select Scans > Recent Scans from the left-side menu.
  2. Click Report to the right of the relevant scan.

  1. Select Export in the top right-hand corner.

  1. Use the Report drop-down to select PCI DSS v3.2 Compliance or PCI DSS 4.0 Compliance according to your report preference.

  1. Use the Format drop-down to select HTML or PDF as needed.
  2. Configure your report by selecting or deselecting the following options:
  1. Exclude Addressed Issues: Excludes those issues on which you've already taken action. (All Information level findings are marked as Accepted Risk automatically by default. To change this behavior, refer to Do not mark Information issues as accepted risks in General Settings).
  2. Exclude History of Issues: Excludes the issue history from the report. If unselected, only the last 10 history items appear in the report. For further information, refer to Viewing Issues in Acunetix 360.
  3. Export Confirmed: Includes only confirmed vulnerabilities in the report.
  4. Export Unconfirmed: Includes only unconfirmed vulnerabilities in the report.

  1. Click Export.

The report will automatically download and can be accessed from your default download folder.

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