Acunetix 360 On-Demand 08 Mar 2022
This update includes changes to internal scan and authentication verifier agents. The internal scan agent's current version is The internal authentication verifier agent's current version is
- Added the OWASP API Top Ten 2019 scan policy.
- Added a check to prevent from entering special characters to the optimized scan policy.
- Added the DeleteById field when a website is deleted.
- Added validation of the URLs entered by a user in the ImportedLink section while saving the database.
- Improved the SCIM error message when a user filters users/groups with mistaken syntax.
- Added context sensitive help on the Agent page.
- Fixed null exception error while mapping imported links in API.
- Fixed a bug that causes the Issues page to be crashed when the state filter is selected.
- Fixed a bug in which the new scan page is stuck although a new scan has been launched.
- Fixed a bug that causes an error when you want to delete a scheduled scan that has a website with tags which were included into a scan profile.
- Fixed a bug that generates a blank scan report when a vulnerability has a null name value.
- Fix a bug that does not show imported links in scheduled scans.
- [Internal Authentication Verifier Agent] Fixed OAuth2 verification that fails due to the OTP settings model being null.
- [Internal Scan Agent ] Fixed a bug that prevents the WSDL files from being imported.