SSL Node

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) enables encrypted communication between a web browser and a web server, and authenticates the identity of the website.

Many companies, in recent years, acquired SSL certificates to secure the communication between the client and the server and to prevent attackers from stealing and tampering with data, such as credit card information being exchanged. HTTP does not offer the same level of protection to the web traffic that HTTPS provides.

During scanning, Acunetix 360 identifies SSL configurations in use in the target web application and begins to list them. It also lists the protocols and ciphers that are supported by the target server. It is useful to know what the target web application supports, so you can harden the server's configuration.

Once the scan is completed, all SSL configurations in use are listed under the SSL node in the Knowledge Base. You can access the same information in the Knowledge Base Report and Knowledge Base Tab.



Acunetix 360 forms Knowledge Base nodes on its findings. If an SSL node is not listed, it means that Acunetix 360 did not find any configurations.

For further information, see Knowledge Base Nodes.
How to View the SSL Node in Acunetix 360
  1. Log in to Acunetix 360.
  2. From the main menu, click Scans, then Recent Scans. The Recent Scans window is displayed.
  3. Next to the relevant website, click Report.
  4. From the Technical Report section, click the Knowledge Base tab.
  5. Click the SSL node. The information is displayed in an SSL tab.


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