Deploying AcuSensor for PHP
Before deploying AcuSensor, note the list of supported servers and frameworks.
π Supported Servers and Frameworks | |
PHP Language |
Application Frameworks |
Web Servers |
Database Engines |
Package Manager |
To deploy AcuSensor, you should keep in mind that the mechanism we need to use is to invoke the PHP directive "auto_prepend_file" and point this directive to the AcuSensor PHP file.
Deploying the AcuSensor agent is a 3 step process.
Step 1: Download AcuSensor for your Target
The instructions to download the AcuSensor agent file can be found here:
Step 2: Copy the AcuSensor agent to the Target
For the purposes of this document, we will assume that we will be creating a dedicated folder inside the ROOT folder of your operating system to hold the AcuSensor agent.
- Under Windows:
- Create a folder "C:\acusensor\"
- Copy the acusensor.php file into "C:\acusensor\"
- Under Linux:
- Run the following command: mkdir /acusensor/
- Use "cd" to navigate to the folder which contains your downloaded AcuSensor agent file and run the following command: cp acusensor.php /acusensor/
Step 3: Configure your web server to invoke the "auto_prepend_file" directive
- Under Windows with IIS:
- Identify the php.ini file which contains the PHP directives for your website. If your website has its own INI file (typically a ".user.ini" file in your website's root folder), you need to add a line to that website's specific INI file. Otherwise, you will need to add a line to the general php.ini file - keeping in mind it will affect all websites on the web server. The line to be added is:
auto_prepend_file="c:\acusensor\acusensor.php" |
- Under Windows with Apache:
- Option 1: add this line to the .htaccess file in the root folder of your website:
php_value auto_prepend_file C:\acusensor\acusensor.php |
- Option 2: Identify the php.ini file which contains the PHP directives for your website. In a 64-BIT "wampserver" installation, typically the file to be edited would be "C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.3.12\phpForApache.ini". Add this line to the file:
auto_prepend_file="c:\acusensor\acusensor.php" |
- Under Linux with Apache:
- Option 1: add this line to the .htaccess file in the root folder of your website:
php_value auto_prepend_file /acusensor/acusensor.php |
- Option 2: Identify the php.ini file which contains the PHP directives for your website. If your website has its own INI file (typically a ".user.ini" file in your website's root folder), you need to add a line to that website's specific INI file. Otherwise, you will need to add a line to the general php.ini file - keeping in mind it will affect all websites on the web server. The line to be added is:
auto_prepend_file = /acusensor/acusensor.php |
- Under Linux with NGINX:
- Option 1: Identify your NGINX conf file (eg /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mysite.conf), and in the section for "location ~ \.php$", add a line as follows:
fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE "auto_prepend_file = /acusensor/acusensor.php"; |
- Option 2: Identify the php.ini file which contains the PHP directives for your website. If your website has its own INI file (typically a ".user.ini" file in your website's root folder), you need to add a line to that website's specific INI file. Otherwise, you will need to add a line to the general php.ini file - keeping in mind it will affect all websites on the web server. The line to be added is:
auto_prepend_file = /acusensor/acusensor.php |
Where is my general php.ini file?
Temporarily create a simple PHP file with phpinfo(); - the "Loaded Configuration File" is the general php.ini file you will need to change.
Remember: You should ALWAYS remove any phpinfo() pages from your web application - the information disclosed by such a file is in itself a vulnerability, and provides malicious hackers with essential information with which to potentially craft an exploit targeting your web application.
Simple Docker Example for Apache + PHP + AcuSensor
Step 1: Prepare example website. For this single-page example, here are the contents of /home/myuser/www/index.php:
<?php echo "Hello World!"; ?> <?php phpinfo(); ?> |
Step 2: Configure loading of AcuSensor agent for the website; contents of /home/myuser/www/.htaccess:
php_value auto_prepend_file /var/www/mysite/acusensor.php |
Step 3: Configure Apache configuration for the website: contents of /home/myuser/mysite-apache.conf:
<VirtualHost *:80> Β ServerAdmin Β DocumentRoot /var/www/mysite Β <Directory /var/www/mysite/> Β Β Β Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews Β Β Β AllowOverride All Β Β Β Order deny,allow Β Β Β Allow from all Β </Directory> Β ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log Β CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined </VirtualHost> |
Step 4: Place the acusensor.php file in /home/myuser/www
Step 5: Configure the Dockerfile for building the container: contents of /home/myuser/Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:latest MAINTAINER Kevin Attard Compagno <> # Install apache, PHP RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get -y upgrade RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install apache2 php libapache2-mod-php # Expose apache EXPOSE 80 # Copy website and AcuSensor agent into place COPY www /var/www/mysite # Update the default apache site with the website config COPY mysite-apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf # Start up apache in the foreground CMD /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND |
Step 6: Build the container. Run the following commands from the docker machine:
cd /home/myuser docker build -t mysite . |
Uninstall AcuSensor
- First you will need to reverse the changes made to your configuration files to invoke the "auto_prepend_file" directive
- Next, remove the AcuSensor sensor file as follows:
- Under Windows, remove the "C:\acusensor\acusensor.php" file and then remove the "C:\acusensor" folder
- Under Linux, run the following command:
- rm -rf /acusensor/
Note: Although Acunetix AcuSensor files are secured with a unique strong built-in password, it is recommended that the AcuSensor files are uninstalled and removed from the web application if they are no longer in use.