Acunetix Web Vulnerability Manager

Acunetix automatically scans for and discovers web vulnerabilities allowing you to prioritize risk and remediate based on business criticality. The vulnerability management features in Acunetix, let you to stay one step ahead of hackers, by providing an overview of your security posture, in one central consolidated view.

Use Acunetix to:

  • Detect XSS (Cross-site Scripting), SQL Injection & 3000 other vulnerabilities
  • Automatically scan all websites, including ones using HTML5 and JavaScript
  • Detect vulnerabilities in popular CMS such as WordPress, Joomla! and Drupal
  • Increase detection, decreasing false positives with Gray-box scanning
  • Prioritize and control threats with integrated vulnerability management features
  • Run comprehensive reports for both executives and developers

Test run a vulnerability manager with a free trial of Acunetix Online!

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